Blog categorized as Recruiter Advice

THREE top tips to boost job applications in a competitive market

If you ask hiring managers what their number one challenge is when hiring language professionals, increasing the number of job applications would be high up the list right now. But it’s not just quantity, it’s also the quality and calibre of job seeker who respond to your job ads that will ultimatel...

22.10.24 12:11 PM - Comment(s)
How to attract language applicants (if you can’t offer remote working)
Despite the widespread popularity of hybrid working, which enables jobseekers and potential hires to enjoy a more flexible way of working and improved work-life balance, not all employers can provide a remote working or work from home option. Just think of the frontline key workers who continue to d...
22.10.24 12:10 PM - Comment(s)
Recruiting language experts in a competitive market
With unemployment levels low and candidate shortages a problem for many industry sectors, organisations must ensure that their brand proposition, recruitment marketing and hiring processes are fit for purpose. With multilingual recruitment activity buoyant, language experts are in high demand. So, w...
22.10.24 12:09 PM - Comment(s)
The Importance of Training and Development
Sustainable business growth and persistent business success can only be achieved through regular employee training and development. Organisations invest a lot in lengthy processes in order to recruit employees that are qualified and suitable. However, it’s often that that’s where it stops as many bu...
22.10.24 12:06 PM - Comment(s)
Choosing between generalist and niche job sites

Many employers now find themselves in a candidate-driven job market, so finding the right employees for your company may be becoming increasingly difficult. What's more you no doubt wish to make sure that your recruitment budget is used as effectively as possible and delivers the results that your ...

22.10.24 12:06 PM - Comment(s)